ISSN: 1819-3293; 2415-3915
Визначення причин, попередження і усунення нестійких режимів газотурбокомпресорів суднових дизелів
Annotation – With commissioning of the “Socofl Star” ship’s series, negative occurrences relative to surging of the Main Engine (ME) «Hanshin Diesel» 6LF46 turbochargers (TC) VTR 401-2. To elimination of a surging, it was necessary reduce loading of ME to the safe level. This action caused the ship’s speed to fall from 11 – 10 to 4 knots which resulted in worsening of the ship’s maneuverability characteristics and lead to the failure to provide the ship’s service speed stipulated in the contractual arrangements.
Existence of this problem instigated the shipowner to charge us as experts with the mission of carrying out appropriate investigations and working out recommendations as to how to prevent and eliminate surging of TC. This task was solved on the m/v “Socofl Star”.
Based on results the ME shop test and trial test of the vessel and also the saved-up data of work of ME in various conditions of swimming, the analysis of the causes of a surge of the TC was made. It is established that small values of safety factor of stability of the compressor of TC on a surging – KCT which are not allowing to ensure effective functioning of TC on the main modes of loading of ME are its reason.
For increase in area of steady work of TC it is necessary to reduce the hydraulic resistance of components of the Air-Gas Path (AGP) of the ME which can be realized by changes in a design of units of air supply and gas exchange or reduction of productivity and extent of increase in pressure of air in the compressor of TC.
Under operating conditions vessels an optimal solution an objective is removal of a part of blowing-off air after compressor of the TC. The air can be discharged into the flue gas header after the waste heat recovery boiler or directly into the atmosphere. This allowed the shipowner not to make constructive changes to the components of the AGP of ME and TC.
The description of the operated unloading device controlled remotely on removal of air which ensures effective functioning of TC and ME that is confirmed by results of natural tests and the subsequent operating experience of vessels of the “Socofl Star” series is provided.
Список літератури
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Ключові слова
- газотурбокомпресор, головний двигун, дизель, повітряно-газовий тракт, помпаж
- воздушно-газовый тракт, газотурбокомпрессор, главный двигатель, дизель, помпаж
- Air-Gas Path, Turbocharger, Main Engine, Diezel Engine, Surging
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