ISSN: 1819-3293; 2415-3915
Використання модельного газу в дослідженнях газового двигуна електростанції
Annotation – The analysis of scientific publications over the past ten years in the direction of creating gas ICEs in Ukraine, operating on natural gas, biogas or similar low-calorie fuels.
The objectives of the work summarize the results of studies on the use of model gas in a gas internal combustion engine operating on a power plant drive. Developed recommendations on biogas additives to natural gas depending on the power plant load, and to develop a fuel control algorithm.
The article provides recommendations on setting up the power system and automatic regulation of a gas engine running on a mixture of natural gas (methane) and biogas. To solve the tasks, a gas-electric installation with a rated power of 30 kW was tested. Initially, the installation was equipped with an 8-cylinder gasoline engine with spark ignition and an electric generator. The base ICE was converted to purely gas with a compression ratio of 8.5.
In the physical modeling of biogas to natural gas additives in the model gas, the volume fraction of carbon dioxide increased to 30 % with a decrease in the load. By calculation, determined a similar ratio of compressed natural gas and biogas additives. For the calculation, it assumed that natural gas contains 90 ... 95 % methane, and biogas 60 % methane and 40 % carbon dioxide.
The possibility of using biogas with 60 % methane as an additive to natural gas in piston ICEs with spark ignition has been confirmed. It was found that with a decrease in load, the biogas fraction increase and replace up to 85 % of natural gas. When working on biogas additives, the values of the concentrations of hydrocarbons and residual oxygen in the exhaust gases were determined to control the setting of the gas equipment of the internal combustion engine. Under operating conditions, three test modes selected for the power plant: idle, 50 % load, rated mode.
The research results can serve as the basis for creating a control algorithm for the supply of biogas additives to natural gas, depending on load changes.
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Ключові слова
- двигун внутрішнього згорання, газовий поршневий двигун, метан, модельний газ, регулювання складу газового палива
- двигатель внутреннего сгорания, газовый поршневой двигатель, метан, модельный газ, регулирование состава газового топлива
- internal combustion engine, gas piston engine, methane, model gas, gas composition regulation
Завантаження: 2
Перегляди: 527