ISSN: 1819-3293; 2415-3915

DOI: 10.31653/1819-3293-2021-1-27-93-107


Робота суднового дизеля на біодизельному паливі


Annotation – The influence of biodiesel fuel on the economic and ecological performance of the marine diesel engine is considered. The reasons limiting use of alternative fuels (including fuels based on biological origin) on vessels are indicated. The results are performed on a specialized vessel with a deadweight of 10,820 tons, which carried out short-term (within 4 ... 6 days) transitions between ports, were it was possible to replenish alternative fuel stocks. Studies performed on 5DC-17A Tier II Daihatsu Diesel marine diesels in the range of their operational loads 55 ... 85 %, from a fuel mixture consisting of 80 ... 95% of DMB diesel fuel and 5 ... 20% of B99.9 FAME biofuel, next conclusion have been done:

in all range of loads and for all content of biofuels in the fuel mixture there is an increase in the specific efficient fuel consumption; on the operating modes in range 55 ... 65% of nominal loading and 5 ... 10 % of the maintenance of biofuel in mix this increase makes 1.92 ... 2.96 %, on the modes 75 ... 85 % of loading and at use mixtures with a content of 15 ... 20 % biofuels increase in fuel consumption reaches 4.04 ... 6.67 %; most of all, the efficiency of the diesel engine detected during its operation at loads of 55 ... 65 % and 15 ... 20 % of the biofuel content in the mixture, in this conditions, the increase in specific fuel efficiency reaches 7.39 ... 8.17 %;

during the operation of the diesel engine in the load range of 55 ... 85 %, the emission of nitrogen oxides is observed, with best efficacies (up to 23.8 ... 24.3 %) corresponding to 10 ... 15 % of the biofuel content in mixtures; with an increase in the content of biofuels in the mixture up to 20 % reduction in emissions of nitrogen oxides is in the range of 10.1 ... 15.2 %;

the use of biofuels helps to reduce the volume concentration of carbon monoxide in the exhaust gases; the greatest efficiency is corresponding at load 75 ... 85 % and use of the fuel mix containing 20 % of biofuel, under such conditions decrease in concentration of carbon monoxide reaches 25.4%; which further enhances the energy efficiency of ships.

The optimal composition of the fuel mixture containing biofuel has been proposed, taking into account its environmental (before the emission of nitrogen oxides and the volume concentration of carbon monoxide in the exhaust gases), as well as economic performance of marine diesel.

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