ISSN: 1819-3293; 2415-3915

Editorial board

Editorial board

Gorb Sergiy Ivanovich, Scientific Editor, NU "Odessa Maritime Academy", Head of the Chair of Theory of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Huninin Sergiy Georgievich, responsible secretary, NU "Odessa Maritime Academy", associate professor of the chair of the theory of automatic control and computer engineering, candidate of technical sciences

Budashko Vitaliy Vitaliyovych, National Academy of Sciences of Odessa Naval Academy, Dean of the Faculty of Electromechanics and Radioelectronics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Vagushchenko Leonid Leonidovich, NU "Odessa Maritime Academy", Head of the Department of Electronic Navigation Complexes, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Golikov Volodymyr Antonovych, NU "Odessa Maritime Academy", Head of the Fleet Technical Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Miyusov Mikhail Valentinovich, National Academy of Sciences of Odessa Naval Academy, Rector, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Nikolsky Vitaliy Valentinovich, NU "Odessa Maritime Academy", Professor of the Department of Fleet Technical Exploitation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Onischenko Oleg Anatoliyovych, National Academy of Sciences of Odessa Naval Academy, Professor of the Department of Fleet Technical Exploitation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Sagin Sergiy Viktorovych, National Academy of Sciences of Odessa Naval Academy, Head of the Ship Power Plant Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Suvorov Petro Semenovich, Danube Commission, Chief Engineer of the Secretariat, Doctor of Engineering, Professor

Reinhard Langmann, Hochschule Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences, Competence Center Automation Dussuldorf (CCAD), (Germany), professor, Professor, Doktor der Ingenieurwissenschaften