ISSN: 1819-3293; 2415-3915

Formatting of article rules

Formatting of article rules for "Automation of ship technical facilities"

1. The manuscript is submitted in electronic form in Ukrainian or English: text in *.doc format, typed on A5 sheets with 10-point pen, Times New Roman font. The use of lists in the Word editor is not allowed. The manuscript must be signed by all authors.

2. The length of the article (with illustrations, captions and a summary in Ukrainian and English) should not exceed one author's letter.

3. On the first page of the manuscript, the following should be indicated in a row: UDC index; Names of authors; the name of the institution where the work was performed; e-mail addresses of the authors; title of the article; resume in Ukrainian and English of 500-900 characters. At the end of the manuscript, there is an abstract in two languages - Ukrainian and English - which includes the authors' full names, the title of the article, the number of tables, illustrations and titles of the bibliography, summary and keywords.

If the manuscript is not completely English, it is accompanied by an annotation in English of at least 1800 characters, including keywords. If the manuscript is not completely Ukrainian-language, it is accompanied by an annotation in Ukrainian of at least 1800 characters, including keywords.

4. Tables are printed in the text and should be provided with explanatory headings. References to the table are given in abbreviated form (Tab.).

5. In formulas, letters and indexes, the Latin font must be italic (except for trigonometric functions), and the Greek font and Cyrillic alphabet must be typed in direct font. Only formulas referenced in the text are numbered. Units of physical quantities must comply with DSTU 3651.0-97, DSTU 3651.1-97, DSTU 3651.2-97 "Metrology. Units of physical quantities" and have common designations.

6. Bibliographic description of literature must comply with DSTU GOST 7.1: 2006. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation (GOST 7.1-2003).

7. The text of the articles must comply with the requirements of the Decree of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine dated 01.15.03, No. 7-05 / 1, "On Increasing the Requirements for Special Publications Entered in the List of Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine".

7. The text of the articles must meet the requirements of the resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine from 15.01.03 № 7-05 / 1 "On increasing the requirements for special publications included in the lists of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine": "… statement of the problem in general and its relationship scientific or practical tasks; analysis of recent research and publications, which initiated the solution of this problem and on which the author relies, the selection of previously unresolved parts of the general problem, which is the subject of this article; formulation of the goals of the article (task setting); presentation of the main material of the study with full justification of the obtained scientific results; conclusions from this study and prospects for further exploration in this direction".